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Vikings:War of Clans

Secret Knowledge

In Vikings: War of Clans, secret Knowledge is a special category of Knowledge that is unlocked once you have reached Oracle level 31.

To learn secret Knowledge, you will need Soul Shards. You can get these by defeating:

Secret Knowledge mostly affects military stats and is divided into three categories:

  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Fortresses

Secret Knowledge Vikings: War of Clans


Warriors of the North must be capable of breaking through the enemy’s defenses if they don’t want to be left without any spoils. Secret Knowledge in the Offense category will help you improve your troops’ stats during attacks.


To gain an advantage in battle, Vikings must be able to hold onto what’s theirs and have each other’s backs. Secret Knowledge in the Defense category will help you improve your troops’ stats during defense.


In Vikings: War of Clans, there are various Fortresses that can contain both neutral troops and your rivals’ warriors. It’s not easy to defeat them all. Secret Knowledge in the Fortresses category will help you improve your troops’ stats in battles for Fortresses.

Learn secret Knowledge wisely. Your tactics, and hence your success in battle in the North, depend on which piece of Knowledge you upgrade first.

Jarls, don’t forget about the main Knowledge in the Oracle too. In Vikings: War of Clans, Knowledge of this kind substantially improves the economic stats of your Town and the military stats of your troops, Hero, and Shaman. It also speeds up resource yielding and affects many other processes.